Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

Bonsai Care For Cedar - Japanese (Cryptomeria japonica) (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Cedar - Japanese (Cryptomeria japonica)

Cedar - Japanese (Cryptomeria japonica) - (Tree Type (Outdoors))

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Cedar - Japanese (Cryptomeria japonica) Bonsai Tree Type (Outdoors) CEDA>EDAr - Japanese (CryptoMEria japonica) -

Very tall EVERGREEN native to Japan distinguished by red-brown string BARK and blue-green foliage which changes to a bronze/brown tint in winter.

STYLE : Best in formal/informal uprights, groups and twin trunk.

WARNING : Clean out old foliage, spray DAI>DAIly with cold water and monthly with INSECTICIDE to prevent red SPIDER MITE infestation which can cause DIE-BACK.

Picture shown : "With the permission of the TRUSTees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew"

Care Info

CEDA>EDAr - Japanese (CryptoMEria japonica) -

LOCATION : Full sun position throughout the year. Needs protection from colds and frost.

REPOT : Every 2-5 years depending on age, in mid to late spring.

SOIL : Free draining soil : 40:60 GRIT:organic. pH 6.0-7.0.

PRUNE : Spring PRUNING encourages new SHOOTS but may be pruned in mid summer, as long as time is left for healing before winter.

PINCH : Pinch back NEEDLEs around new growth to 12mm (half inch) long. Do not cut needles.

WATER : Water well in growing season, sparingly in winter. Benefits from foliar spraying with water.

FEED : Two weekly BALANCED FEED during growing season, low nitrogen in autumn.

WARNING : Clean out old foliage, spray DAI>DAIly with cold water and monthly with INSECTICIDE to prevent red SPIDER MITE infestation which can cause DIE-BACK.

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Thanks to - Royal Botanic Gardens Kew for use of the image

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