Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

Bonsai Care For Crab Apple (Malus) (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Crab Apple (Malus)

Crab Apple (Malus) - (Tree Type (Outdoors))

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Crab Apple (Malus) Bonsai Tree Type (Outdoors) CRAB APPLE (MALUS) -

DECIDUOUSTREE>DECIDUOUS TREE with many varieties producing blossom coloured from white through to pink. FRUIT can hang on the tree until soME time after LEAVES have fallen.

STYLE : Suitable for informal upright, slanting, semi-cascade, twin-trunk, and CLUMP.

WARNING : Crab Apple prefers deeper pot than normal.

Care Info


LOCATION : Prefers full sun throughout the year.  Tolerates great heat, frost and wind.

REPOT : Every 1-2 years in a deeper than normal pot.

SOIL : Free draining soil 30:70 GRIT:organic. The addition of soME clay based LOAM is also beneficial. pH 6.0-7.5.

PRUNE : Prune branches in autumn. Trim to SHAPE after flowering, then allow unhindered growth.

PINCH : Cut all newSHOOTS back to 2 to 3 BUD>BUDs in mid/late summer.

WATER : Water well in growing season, particularly during FRUIT formation. Spray regularly with cold water.

FEED : BALANCED FEED in spring, after flowwering. Low nitrogen in summer. Nitrogen free in autumn.

WARNING : Crab Apple prefers deeper pot than normal.

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