A glossary of 290 bonsai videos that we point to from the SBA A to Z of Bonsai Terms. We cannot vouch
that these are the best out there but what they say makes sense to us. If you have a link to
a video you would like to add then let us know by hitting the Challenge button.
Google Translate
- (Other)
Why do leaves change colour. A technical description.
Another technical description with an experiment.
Why do leaves change colour in the UK?
Accent pot
- (Pot)
Making a small bonsai pot.
Thanks to - Dan Barton for use of the image
Acer (Genus)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Video showing a few different varieties of Acer Palmatum.
Japanese Maple Bonsai - Bonsai Empire.
Bonsai with Merv Japanese Maple 1.
Japanese Maple Bonsai - Bonsai Eejit.
INTERNATIONAL BONSAI ACADEMY with Walter Pall - Episode II - Acer palmatum, drastic cut back.
Thanks to - Kenny Middleton for use of the image
Acer Buergerianum (Trident Maple)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Finding a structure in a neglected Acer buergerianum imported from Japan.
How to grow Japanese Maple (Acer Palmatum) in a Pot Part I.
International Bonsai Academy with Walter Pall - Episode I - Sumo maple.
International Bonsai Academy with Walter Pall - Episode II - Acer palmatum, drastic cut back.
Thanks to - Jeff Banning for use of the image
Acer Platanoides (Norway Maple)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Identifying Norway Maple
Sap Trees Acer platanoides
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
- (Pests and Diseases)
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Aesculus Hippocastanum
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
The Conker Tree (Horse Chestnut)
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
- (Procedure)
Copper annealing
- (Pests and Diseases)
Amazing! Aphid cloning - Battle of the Animal Sexes - BBC Wildlife
Aphids - How to effectively treat and manage using Natural methods of Pest Control
LadyBug Muncha Muncha Muncha on Aphids in HD (How to get rid of Aphids)
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Approach grafting
- (Procedure)
(No Photo Yet)
Grafting Techniques.
Apricot (Prunus mume)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Flowering Bonsai Apricot/Ume Tree
Ok it is in Italian but the flowers are just as beautiful in any language.
Prunus Mume (Flor fucsia). Another beautiful Prunus Mume.
Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image
- (Pests and Diseases)
Armillaria root disease
Thanks to - wikipedia for use of the image
- (Other)
Phototropism and Auxin
Auxin and tropisms
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Ayr Flower Show
- (Bonsai Exhibitions)
A wee video describing Ayr Flower Show
Ayr Flower Show 2012
Thanks to - SBA Bonsai Image Gallery for use of the image
Azalea (Rhododendron)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Learn how to take care of your Azalea Bonsai with this Bonsai Empire video
Thanks to - SBA Gallery for use of the image
Azalea Gall
- (Pests and Diseases)
How to treat leaf galls on azalea bonsai.
Thanks to - Royal Horticultural Society for use of the image
Baillie - Ian
- (Pot)
Bonsai Potter Showcase Ian Baillie
Thanks to - Images from Ian Baillie pots on internet for use of the image
Balanced feed
- (Fertiliser)
Are Balanced NPK Fertilizers Really Balanced?
Walter Pall - About feeding bonsai - Part I
Walter Pall - About feeding bonsai - Part II
Thanks to - eBay for use of the image
Bark beetle
- (Pests and Diseases)
Bark beetles at work
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Beech (Fagus)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Bonsai Beech video from Bonsai4Me
The Beech tree in the UK.
Thanks to - SBA Image Gallery for use of the image
Beech (Southern)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Southern Beech forest
Thanks to - Joe Bailey, Ayr Bonsai for use of the image
Berberis (Barberry)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Berberis/Barberry Bonsai
Thanks to - Peter Thorne for use of the image
- (Treatments)
Binny Plants
- (Dealer)
'A Garden of Hope'...a pathway to healing...Gardening Scotland 2014 Time Lapse Video SD
Binny plants Great Dixter Plant Fair 2014
Thanks to - SBA Gallery for use of the image
Birch (European White)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
European White Birch
Birch Bonsai
Thanks to - By Silverije - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=45875010 for use of the image
Birch - Silver (Betula Pendula)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
How to to identify the Silver birch tree
Chinese elm and silver birch bonsai
The Birch tree in the UK.
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Birch Species
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Betula pubescens/Downy Birch Bonsai Height 21"/53cm. Collected in 1999 by Harry Harrington
The Birch tree in the UK.
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Black Spot
- (Pests and Diseases)
Black spots on tree leaves: Daphne Richards
Thanks to - Unknown for use of the image
Bleaching deadwood
- (Procedure)
Bleaching Deadwood for Bonsai
Cleaning & Preserving Deadwood With Lime Sulfur (Looks like a young Elton John!)
Bonsai - Lime Sulfur Application Safety on Driftwood
- (Tree Parts)
Bole of an oak tree
Bonsai Basho
- (Blogs and Advice)
Placing an advert on Bonsai Basho.
Thanks to - Bonsai Basho website for use of the image
Bonsai Direct
- (Dealer)
Link to a series of videos produced by Bonsai Direct.
Thanks to - Bonsai Direct for use of the image
Bonsai Eejit
- (Blogs and Advice)
Link to many videos from Bonsai Eejit and the Northern Ireland Bonsai Society..
Thanks to - Bonsai Eejit web site for use of the image
Bonsai Empire
- (Blogs and Advice)
Bonsai Empire YouTube channel.
Thanks to - bonsai empire web page for use of the image
Bonsai Farm (Lindsay Farr)
- (Blogs and Advice)
Lindsay Farr YouTube channel.
Thanks to - Bonsai Farm for use of the image
Bonsai Focus
- (Blogs and Advice)
Bonsai Focus videos.
Bonsai Focus YouTube channel.
Bonsai Pot
- (Pot)
How to make a bonsai pot.
How to make a rectangular bonsai pot.
How to make a cascade bonsai pot.
Learn how to select the right Bonsai pot for your tree with this movie.
Thanks to - Dan Barton for use of the image
Bonsai Training Wire
- (Tool)
Basic wiring technique.
Wiring and pruning.
Wiring a bonsai.
Bonsai Tree Sizes
- (Tree Style)
Bonsai Trees for Beginners: Bonsai Sizes
Bonsai Tree Species
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Bonsai tree species - species most suitable for bonsai.
Bordeaux Solution
- (Treatments)
(No Photo Yet)
Making Bordeaux mixture.
How to make a Bordeaux mixture.
Botanic tree name
- (Other)
(No Photo Yet)
Botanical Nomenclature.
Botanical Name
- (Other)
(No Photo Yet)
Botanical Nomenclature.
- (Tree Type (Indoors))
Video from YouTube.
Creation of a Shohin Bougainvillea Bonsai from a chopped specimen.
Thanks to - Unknown for use of the image
Box (Buxus)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
How to take box cuttings.
Styling of an Old Yamadori Buxus by Graham Potter.
How to create a Boxwood bonsai Part 1.
How to create a Boxwood Bonsai Part 2.
How to create a Boxwood Bonsai Part 3 One Year Later
Branch Extension
- (Procedure)
(No Photo Yet)
How To Bonsai - Sacrifice Branch Development.
Bonsai Tutorials for Beginners: How to Attain Trunk Taper.
Branch Pruning
- (Procedure)
Pruning Deciduous Bonsai Trees.
How To Bonsai - Trimming Bonsai Tree Care.
Yaupon Holly - Drastic Pruning to Begin Creating a Bonsai.
Thanks to - cutebonsai.com for use of the image
Branch Splitter
- (Tool)
Juniper Branch Splitting.
Thanks to - Unknown for use of the image
Branch Structure
- (Tree Parts)
NIBS June 2011 Bonsai School Part 3 -Tree Structure Part 1.
NIBS June 2011 Bonsai School Part 4 - Tree Structure Part 2
Acer Campestre broom Bonsai: setting the structure
Thanks to - Wattston Bonsai for use of the image
British Shohin Asociation
- (Club or Group)
British Shohin Association Exhibition 2014 Part 1 - Peter Warren Exhibit Critique.
British Shohin Association Exhibition 2014 Part 2 - Valentin Brose Critique.
British Shohin Association Exhibition 2014 Part 3 - The Displays.
British Shohin Association Exhibition 2014 Part 4 More Trees.
British Shohin Association Exhibition 2014 Part 5.
Thanks to - British Bonsai Association for use of the image
Bud Graft
- (Procedure)
(No Photo Yet)
bud graft.
Bud Grafts on Citrus.
Bud Grafting in a Vineyard.
Bud grafting cherry trees.
- (Tree Style)
Bonsai Artisans: Jim Barrett Bunjin Juniper.
Bunjin Challenge - Bonsai Bark.
Cammellia (Camellia)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Arthur Joura styles a camellia
Bonsai Preparation for Elina Cascade Camelia
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Cedar (Cedrus)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Willowbog Bonsai Workshop Intros - Cedar.
Cedar Bonsai Progression and Styling 2013.
Cedar Bonsai Forest, May 2015.
How to Bonsai - Japanese Cedar tidied up.
Pruning a White Cedar Bonsai, Spring 2014.
Thanks to - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew for use of the image
Cedar - Japanese (Cryptomeria japonica)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
A Blue Atlantic Cedar Bonsai Tree (Cedrus atlantica 'glauca'). These are beautiful hardy evergreen outdoors trees which are excellent for bonsai
Willowbog Bonsai Workshop Intros - Cedar.
Cedar Bonsai Progression and Styling 2013.
Cedar Bonsai Forest, May 2015.
How to Bonsai - Japanese Cedar tidied up.
Thanks to - Royal Botanic Gardens Kew for use of the image
Chamaecyparis obtusa
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Willowbog Bonsai Workshop Intro - Hinoki Cypress.
Masashi Hirao styling of a Hinoki cypress.
Thanks to - SBA Image GAllery for use of the image
Cherry - Flowering (Prunus serrulata)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
The Cherry tree in the UK.
Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image
Chinese Hackberry (Celtis Sinensis)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Field grown Celtis sinensis (Chinese Hackberry).
Copper Wire
- (Tool)
Graham Potter of Kaizen Bonsai discusses bonsai wire and demonstrates wiring technique.
Thanks to - Willowbog Bonsai for use of the image
Cotinus (SmokeTree)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Bonsai van het Westen 2014 Cotinus purpurea.
Purple Leaved Smoke Tree - Cotinus coggygria - How to Grow Smoke Bush.
Thanks to - Kaizen Bonsai for use of the image
Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Making of a Cotoneaster Bonsai Part 1 Intro and Prunning.
Making of a Cotoneaster Bonsai Part 2 Potting and Watering.
Step by step cotoneaster.
Bonsai From Nursery Stock - Cotoneaster by Frank Mihalic.
Cotoneaster bonsai.
Thanks to - Dan Barton for use of the image
Crab Apple (Malus)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Bonsai crab apple spring cleaning.
Malus Crabapple Bonsai.
Crab Apple Bonsai from Field Grown Stock.
Nagasaki Crab Apple - preparing for a bonsai show.
Plant City Bonsai June 2014.
Thanks to - SBA Gallery for use of the image
Cypress (Chamaecyparis)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Italian Cypress Bonsai Styling Demonstration.
Masashi Hirao styling of a Hinoki cypress.
Willowbog Bonsai Workshop Intro - Hinoki Cypress.
Basic Cleanup of Junipers and Cypresses.
Hinoki Cypress kabudachi style transformation.
Thanks to - Taken by Jeff Banning at Coventry Trade Show for use of the image
Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Bonsai Techniques - Dawn Redwood Forest Planting (Yose-ue).
Bonsai - Dawn Redwood Pre-Bonsai Initial Pruning.
Bonsai - Dawn Redwood Intro.
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Deciduous Tree
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Deciduous and Coniferous Trees.
Thanks to - SBA Bonsai Image Gallery for use of the image
Elm - Chinese (Ulmus parviflora)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree Care - Bonsai Trees for Beginners Series.
How do I prune my Chinese Elm Indoor Bonsai?
Chinese Elm Bonsai - Bonsai Empire.
How to Prune Chinese Elm - Bonsai Trees for Beginners Series.
Extra-Large Chinese Elm Bonsai.
Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image
Elm - English (Ulmus procera)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
The Elm tree in the UK.
How To Care for English Elm or Ulmus procera - European Species - Bonsai Trees for Beginners.
Thanks to - Joe Bailey, Ayr for use of the image
Elm - Japanese (Zelkova Serrata)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Japanese Grey Bark Elm Bonsai in training.
Thanks to - Wattston Bonsai for use of the image
Enkianthus (Enkianthus)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
How to Prune Enkianthus - Instructional Video.
Red-Veined Enkianthus - Enkianthus campanulatus - How to grow Enkianthus.
Introducing Enkianthus Perulatus.
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Field grown Celtis sinensis (Chinese Hackberry).
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Escallonia (Escalonia)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Escallonia Bonsai.
Escallonia bonsai part 2.
How to create bonsai from local nursery plant: The Escallonia Bonsai Project Part I.
How to create bonsai from local nursery plant: The Escallonia Bonsai Project Part II.
Tony Tickle, Bonsai Artist.
Thanks to - Peter Thorne, Ayr for use of the image
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
How to Create a Bonsai Tree From a Nursery Juniper, Part One.
How to Create a Bonsai Tree From a Nursery Juniper, Part Two.
How to Create a Bonsai Tree from a Nursery Juniper, Part Three.
Blue Atlantic Cedar Bonsai Tree
Fertilizer - Solid
- (Fertiliser)
How to Fertilizing Bonsai - Making Bonsai Fertilizer Cake
How to Fertilize Bonsai
Bonsai How-To - Fertilizers for Bonsai
Field Maple (Acer Campestre)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
How to Care for Field Maple, Acer campestre Native European Species as Bonsai.
Acer Campestre broom Bonsai: setting the structure.
Bonsai rock planting : Acer campestre - 1.
Five needle pine
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Japanese White Pine, Japanese Five Needle Pine, Pinus parviflora.
The Japanese White Pine Part 1: Styling.
The Japanese white pine Part 2: Wiring.
The Japanese white pine Part 3: Repotting and Maintenance.
Japanese White Pine Bonsai.
Forsythia (Forsythia)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
(No Photo Yet)
Air Layering a bonsai, cut from a forsythia, pinching the First shoots and general about fertilizing bonsai.
Frank Dowlat
- (Blogs and Advice)
Bonsai Trees-Best Lecture to learn from-1
This is the name of the video not our assessment of the quality or accuracy of the information.
Bonsai Trees-Best Lecture to learn from-2
Bonsai Trees-Best Lecture to learn from-3
Bonsai Trees-Best Lecture to learn from-4
Bonsai Trees-Best Lecture to learn from-5
There are more videos in this series which are also worth viewing. Links on the SBA site however limit the number of bonsai videos to 5.
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
(No Photo Yet)
Bonsai that shouldn't be.
Azalea Bonsai Part 3 One Year later (Girad's Fuchsia).
Gingko Biloba (Maidenhair tree)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Bonsai - Ginkgo Biloba : Growth and Development.
Ginkgo Biloba Bonsai.
The Ginkgo's Secrets.
Ginkgo tree for Bonsai.
Thanks to - Dan Barton for use of the image
Golden Larch
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Golden Larches, Manning Park, October 2011.
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Hawthorn (Crataegus)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
How to care for English Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna as Bonsai Trees.
Specimen Hawthorn Bonsai Tree (white flowers and red berries).
Bonsai Techniques - Dawn Redwood Forest Planting (Yose-ue).
Bonsai - Dawn Redwood Pre-Bonsai Initial Pruning.
Bonsai - Dawn Redwood Intro.
Mulberry (Morus Alba)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Morus Alba (White mulberry) - bonsai progression 2013-2015.
Grow mulberry for bonsai.
Mulberry Bonsai repotting - Morus nigra easy Bonsai Trees for Beginners
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Southern Beech forest
Thanks to - Joe Bailey, Ayr for use of the image
Oak - English (Quercus robur)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
The Oak tree in the UK.
Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image
Peach leaf curl
- (Pests and Diseases)
Dealing with peach leaf curl.
Peach leaf curl and how to improve the quality of your fruit.
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Picea Species
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Bonsai demo by Masashi Hirao - Picea
- (Tree Parts)
A stunning Wisteria bonsai from Bonsai Focus.
Bueatiful Bonsai Gallery of Wisteria from Spanish Bonsai.
Unbelievably Beautiful 144 Year Old Japanese Wisteria HD 2014.
Top 10 Most Beautiful Tree Tunnels In The World
Magnificent Colors of Wisteria (HD1080p).
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image
Satsuki Azalea (Rhododendron Indicum)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
YouTube channel with loads of Satsuki Azalea videos. Don't get too excited!
Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Excellent video where Ryan Neil discusses development of single flush per year (two needle such as Scots Pine) pines in a lecture at Willowbog Bonsai.
Scots Pine Yamadori Goes Into It's First Pot
Scots Pine in the UK.
Thanks to - Scottish Bonsai Association for use of the image
Tony Tickle
- (Dealer)
Tony Tickle YouTube Channel.
Bonsai Europa as it happened. Time lapse photography.
Thanks to - yamadori.co.uk for use of the image
Vine weevil
- (Pests and Diseases)
Vine Weevil introduction - what they look like.
Applying Nemasys to control vine weevil
The Gardening Times.com - vine weevils
Vine Weevil ate my Bonsai - Emergency Repot
Thanks to - RHS/Joyce Maynard for use of the image
Walsall Ceramics
- (Pot)
(No Photo Yet)
Potter Showcase - David Jones Walsall Ceramics
Willowbog Bonsai
- (Dealer)
A Walk Around Willowbog Bonsai
- (Procedure)
From the Bonsai Fundamentals series available on Mirai Live, Ryan Neil expands with a focus on secondary/tertiary wiring. This is where you execute your bonsai design to its fullest potential. Ryan shares the details of pairing branches, applying wire, handling branch tips, and using wire to define pad formation.
Thanks to - Peter Thorne, Ayr for use of the image
Yamadori for Sale
- (Dealer)
Collecting a huge yamadori Hawthorn
Thanks to - Tony Tickle for use of the image
Yew - common (Taxus baccata)
- (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Graham Potter of Kaizen Bonsai - Yew video.
Bonsai Tree Styling - A Yew Saved From The Log Pile
There are 2033 entries in the A to Z and the
pages have been viewed 10150481 times. Help us to increase the number of relevant bonsai terms included in this A to Z of Bonsai Terms. We include
manufacturers and dealers in the dictionary, if you are one or know of one not mentioned then just click the
link above and add an entry. If you have a favourite bonsai tree not mentioned just add an entry. We are trying to create a unique single
free source for all bonsai terms and hope to capture worldwide bonsai terms for bonsai trees, bonsai clubs associations and national collections
and the A to Z is free marketing for bonsai businesses and bonsai clubs.