Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

 A To Z Entry For Bonsai Artistic Foundations of Bonsai Design (Andy Rutledge) (Books and Articles)

Artistic Foundations of Bonsai Design (Andy Rutledge)

 Artistic Foundations of Bonsai Design (Andy Rutledge) - (Books and Articles)

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Artistic Foundations of BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI Design (Andy Rutledge) -

Author : Andy Rutledge

Available only on line as far as we know.

This book is an effort to help bonsai enthusiasts understand how to use tiME-honored methods—artistic methods—for producing more successful and meaningful bonsai designs and displays. The text will examine in some detail the language of art as applied to bonsai. This examination of what some perhaps mistakenly call the rules of bonsai is meant to explain and expound upon the commonly cited fundamentals of bonsai styling that are referenced in other texts.

This book provides some relevant, important insights into human psychology and perception, but only to a point. The reader should understand, though, that and understanding of psychology and behavioral science is necessary for effective artistry.

There are 2033 published entries in the Bonsai A to Z and the pages have been viewed 9448297 times. You can view all of the items in our Glossary of Bonsai Terms. Help us to increase the number of relevant bonsai terms included in this A to Z of Bonsai Terms. We include manufacturers and dealers in the dictionary, if you are one or know of one not mentioned then just click the link above and add an entry. If you have a favourite bonsai tree not mentioned just add an entry. We are trying to create a unique single free source for all bonsai terms and hope to capture worldwide bonsai terms for bonsai trees, bonsai clubs associations and national collections and the A to Z is free marketing for bonsai businesses and bonsai clubs.

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