Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

 A To Z Entry For Bonsai Aphids (Pests and Diseases)


 Aphids - (Pests and Diseases)

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bonsai_aphid_02.jpg image APHIDS -

These coME in a VARIETY of colours : greenfly, blackfly, whitefly or gall aphid. They colonise plants and suck the sap from the stems , LEAVES and FRUIT.

The first indication of an infestation is the curling and distortion of leaves. The WOOLLY APHID can be a serious problem on pine, larch and beech, manifesting itself as a white, fluffy, sticky mass.

The Gall aphid can result in development of GALLS on leaves.

In all cases the application of a INSECTICIDE>SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE should be sufficient to deal with the problem.

Bonsai Videos for Aphids (Pests and Diseases)

Video 1 for Aphids (Pests and Diseases)

Amazing! Aphid cloning - Battle of the Animal Sexes - BBC Wildlife

Video 2 for Aphids (Pests and Diseases)

Aphids - How to effectively treat and manage using Natural methods of Pest Control

Video 3 for Aphids (Pests and Diseases)

LadyBug Muncha Muncha Muncha on Aphids in HD (How to get rid of Aphids)

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

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