ELM - CHINESE (ULMUS PARVIFLORA) - Small, round tree with a VARIETY of BARK types ranging from smooth, grey to cork bark, both bearing small, dark green, glossy LEAVES with serrated edges.
ClaiMEd to be the most popular /best for BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI. May be grown indoors, when they will not drop leaves in winter, or outdoors, when they will drop leaves.
STYLE : Suitable for all styles but delicate twigs and stout, long, flexible ROOTS make it especially suited to broom and root-over-rock styles.
WARNING : INSECTICIDE>SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE s and FUNGICIDEs cause DEFOLIATION in Chinese elms. Fleshy roots need some protection from frost.
Care Info
ELM - CHINESE (ULMUS PARVIFLORA) - REPOT : Annually in early spring until 10 years old and then as required.
SOIL : Free draining soil : 40:60 GRIT:organic.
PRUNE : AnytiME indoors, mid spring (before BUD>BUD burst) outdoors. In winter prune out dead areas or branch tips that have become too heavy.
PINCH : Trim to 2 LEAVES per shoot during growing season.
WATER : Water DAI>DAIly during growing season - more if hot - sparingly in winter to keep moist. Reduce wateing if leaves drop.
FEED : Weekly BALANCED FEED during first month after bud burst then every two weeks until late summer.
WARNING : INSECTICIDE>SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE s and FUNGICIDEs cause DEFOLIATION in Chinese elms. Fleshy ROOTS need some protection from frost.
Bonsai Videos for Elm - Chinese (Ulmus parviflora) (Tree Type (Outdoors))
Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree Care - Bonsai Trees for Beginners Series.
How do I prune my Chinese Elm Indoor Bonsai?
Chinese Elm Bonsai - Bonsai Empire.
How to Prune Chinese Elm - Bonsai Trees for Beginners Series.
Extra-Large Chinese Elm Bonsai.