Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

 A To Z Entry For Bonsai Cousins - Craig (Blogs and Advice)

Cousins - Craig

 Cousins - Craig - (Blogs and Advice)

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Craig Coussins started BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI in 1974 and spent the next 20 years studying under the UK's leading Bonsai artist. During this tiME he travelled to the home of the late John Yoshio Naka in Los Angeles to learn from this Bonsai Master who not only was a great teacher but always gave generously of his time to Craig. John also visited Craig in Scotland.

He began teaching in June 1978 when he founded the Scottish Bonsai Association and soon after in 1983 he was a founder committee member of the UK Federation of Bonsai Societies, FOBBS.

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Craig was awarded the Patrick Neal MEdal for services to Scottish Horticulture. This prestigious award was presented by The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society. He went on to win a number of awards for his trees and SUISEKI. One of his BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI was sent to Xian, twinned city with Edinburgh and is in the Peoples Garden.

He retired from the local club scene in 1987 and he now teaches Bonsai. The Federation of British Bonsai Societies placed him on their Role of Honour in 2000. From 1990 Craig has travelled around the world teaching his art and although he is a very experienced carver, Craig prefers working with trees rather than Power Tools. He studies the indigenous SPECIES of the country he visits and always works towards developing trees native in species and style of that country. He has worked in South Africa, England, Italy, Ireland, Russia, New Zealand, Belgium and all over America, .

He is a writer for many Bonsai Magazines around the world. Articles from his new books are also featured on this web site. Craig has now written five Bonsai Books .

Thanks to - Craig Cousins website for use of the image

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