Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

 A To Z Entry For Bonsai Fuchsia (Tree Type (Outdoors))


 Fuchsia - (Tree Type (Outdoors))

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There are approximatly 110 recognized SPECIES of Fuchsia mostly from South AMErica, but with some occurring up through Central America to Mexico, and also several from New Zealand to Tahiti. Small leaved varieties such as Mycrophylla and Tom Thumb and Lady Thumb are best for BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.

STYLE : Suited for informal upright, cascade/semi-cascade, slanting and root over rock.

WARNING : Although they can be wired at any time, branches are brittle and easily snapped. Best WIRING time is winter after soil has been allowed to dry out a little, making branches a bit more flexible.

Care Info


REPOT : Annually in spring but can also be re-potted in autumn if root bound.

SOIL : 50% PEAT based COMPOST - 25% LOAM - 20% horticultural GRIT 5% perlite and a small amount of horticultural CHARCOAL (helps to keep the soil 'sweet')

PRUNE : Prune branches in winter.

PINCH : Pinch back new SHOOTS throughout sumMEr.

WATER : Water well in growing season, sparingly in winter. Benefits from foliar spraying with water.

FEED : Feed during the growing season with a BALANCED FEED, NPK 20-20-20 every two weeks. A monthly feed of SEQUESTRENE (iron chelate, magnesium and manganese) helps to produce healthy foliage.

WARNING : Although they can be wired at any time, branches are brittle and easily snapped. Best WIRING time is winter after soil has been allowed to dry out a little, making branches a bit more flexible.

Bonsai Videos for Fuchsia (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Video 1 for Fuchsia (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Bonsai that shouldn't be.

Video 2 for Fuchsia (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Azalea Bonsai Part 3 One Year later (Girad's Fuchsia).

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