This category covers a wide rang of cultivars including : Deshojo, Chisio, Ukon, Dissectum Atropurpurium and many others. originating from Japan they exhibit a wide range of leaf and bark colourings.
STYLE : Upright tree suitable for most styles except literati.
WARNING : Prefers dappled shade. Needs protection from scorching by exposure to the hottest summer sun. Susceptible to aphids and scale insect.
Care Info
REPOT : Every 2 years while young, and less frequently when older, in early spring just prior to bud burst.
SOIL : Ideally Akadama or 40:60 grit:organic.
PRUNE : Late winter for main branches. Trim new shoots to one or two pairs of leaves in spring.
PINCH : Remove large leaves mid-summer to reduce leaf size.
WATER : Daily throughout growing season but infrequently during winter months.
FEED : Balanced feed every two weeks during spring/summer. Low nitrogen in autumn to prevent weakening in leaf colour.
WARNING : Prefers dappled shade. Needs protection from scorching by exposure to the hottest summer sun. Susceptible to aphids and scale insect.