Notable feature is its patchy, peeling (Plane tree type) bark. Its slender branches support small, shiny, evergreen leaves and white flowers which develop into blue berries.
STYLE : Suited to all styles.
WARNING : High humidity essential. Site above or near (not on) water.
Care Info
REPOT : Every 2 years in spring.
SOIL : Basic mix of 40:60 grit:organic.
PRUNE : Branches should be pruned in winter/early spring.
PINCH: Trim shoots to 2 pairs of leaves during growing season.
WATER : Water well (daily) in growing season and keep moist in winter. Daily misting also helps.
FEED : Balanced feed every 2 weeks during growing season. Reduce to half strength in winter.
WARNING : High humidity essential. Site above or near (not on) water.