Scottish Bonsai Association

Bonsai A to Z Challenge

Challenging the Bonsai A to Z entry for Myrtle - Common (myrtus communis/appiculata).

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Existing Bonsai A To Z Entry for Myrtle - Common (myrtus communis/appiculata)

Myrtle - Common (myrtus communis/appiculata)

 - (Tree Type (Indoors))

(No Photo)
Bonsai Care

Tender, evergreen shrub with glossy, mid to dark green leaves. Bears small white, fragrant, summer blossoms. The "communis" bears black fruits. The "appiculata" is distinguished by peeling, cinnamon-coloured bark showing cream beneath and may also bear red fruits as well as black.

STYLE : suited to informal upright, slanting, semi-cascade, twin-trunk, clump and multiple-trunk styles.

WARNING : Use ericaceous soild and fertlizer together with "soft" (lime-free) water.


Care Info

REPOT : Every 2 years in early spring.

SOIL : Free draining soil : 40:60 grit:organic.

PRUNE : Can be done anytime but best done in winter to avoid profusion of many new, unwanted shoots.

WATER : Maintain evenly moist throughout the year but never saturated. Bare minimum in winter. Lime free (rainwater) recommended. Benefits from regular misting.

FEED : Half strength, balanced fertilizer during growing season. None in winter.

WARNING : Use ericaceous soild and fertlizer together with "soft" (lime-free) water.

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