Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

 A To Z Entry For Bonsai Cammellia (Camellia) (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Cammellia (Camellia)

 Cammellia (Camellia) - (Tree Type (Outdoors))

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bonsai_camellia_01.jpg image CamMEllia (Camellia) -

Three main varieties : Japonica (Common Camellia): Shiny, oval, dark green LEAVES with red/white/pink FLOWERS March to May. Reticulata: Long, narrow dark green leaves and big, funnel SHAPEd pink/red/purple unscented flowers with 15-20 petals. Sasanqua : Drooping HABIT with lighter green, small, oblong, blunt-ended leaves with white/pink scented flowers with 6-8 petals.

STYLE : suited to every style, except formal upright and broom.

WARNING : Branches are brittle so protect with RAFFIA. Do not leave wire on the tree for more than a month or two.

Care Info

CamMEllia (Camellia) -

LOCATION : Semi-shaded site preferred but does need light in order to flower.  Does not like to be moved as it is sensitive to changes in light and temperature conditions .

REPOT : Annually in a deepish pot in late spring, when branches have finished growing and BUD>BUDs have formed.

SOIL : Must be in ACID soil which can be clayey. pH 4.0-5.5.

PRUNE : Hard prune after flowering and before new SHOOTS harden.

PINCH: No requirement.

WATER : Water well in growing season, sparingly in winter.

FEED : Reacts badly to chemical fertilizers. Feed with slow acting organic fertilizer. Best feed is a COMPOST of its own LEAVES.

WARNING : Branches are brittle so protect with RAFFIA. Do not leave wire on the tree for more than a month or two.

Bonsai Videos for Cammellia (Camellia) (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Video 1 for Cammellia (Camellia) (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Arthur Joura styles a camellia

Video 2 for Cammellia (Camellia) (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Bonsai Preparation for Elina Cascade Camelia

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

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