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National Bonsai Collection News


New Tree

For the first time in a long time (if ever!), the Collection has bought a new tree. We acquired this from Marie Vevers, a long time bonsai hobbyist and SBA member. We will put the photo on to the Collection news page in the very near future.


Tunnel Project 2017

We utilised a good percentage of our funds to purchase a polytunnel at Gardening Scotland in June. Having tried several sources for help and quotes, we eventually took the plunge and work started officially on 25/10/2017 to prepare the site. Our thanks again to Billy Carruthers for his generosity in allowing us to use more of his land.

Work and maintenance on the Collection Trees has been constrained over the years due to a lack of facilities to work on the trees in inclement weather, so the tunnel once erected should result in the quality of care and the appearance of the Collection to improve.


National Bonsai Collection Workdays

The National Bonsai Collection has arranged with Binny Plants, a series of workdays, on the following Sundays from 11:30am to 4:00pm

The work days from March to September will be on the LAST Sunday of each month.

The Open Day will be Sunday 26th August 2018, 1pm - 5pm.

The A.G.M. will be Sunday 21st October 2018.

The workdays will have two main activities:
1) Maintenance by the trustees of the National Collection Pavilion and its trees.
2) Opportunities for practical public demonstrations and hands-on workshops on styling and care of bonsai from starters to more mature trees.

These will be led by experienced trustees and carers and will be suitable for beginners and the more experienced alike. All of these will be open to the public free of charge although trees will be available for sale at low cost for participants. Light refreshments will be available. Billy has agreed to advertise these days on his Website 

How to get there

Contacts and Margaret on 01501 763900    




Current Constitution (2016) As Accepted  and held by OSCR.



1. The Trust shall be called 'The Scottish Bonsai Collection Trust' and is hereafter referred to as 'the Trust'. 


2. The primary objects of the trust shall be

i) To establish a National Collection of Bonsai for Scotland, within an appropriate setting, readily accessible to the public, with a view to ensuring the Trust can help educate members of the public in the art of bonsai. 

ii) To maintain, enlarge and chart a living archive of the most representative bonsai trees.

iii) To use  the trees of this collection for public displays, demonstrations and workshops, and for educational purposes in the art and horticultural craft of bonsai creation and maintenance.

iv) To provide the care and attention of bonsai trees which are entrusted by members of the public for their care and safe keeping by ensuring a system of categorisation in order that any bonsai trees so entrusted to the Trust are groomed/prepared for eventual inclusion in the collection. Failing inclusion in the collection, the relevant trees are to be used for educational purposes or indeed with a view to the sale of the same for the benefit of the Trust.


3.  There shall be a maximum of nine and a minimum of seven Trustees from whom a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected. Five Trustees will constitute a quorum. The Trustees will hold office for such time as may be decided by a quorum of the trust. The Trustees shall in addition have the power to appoint the owner/manager of the premises in which the collection is situate, as an Honorary Trustee. In addition, Honorary trustees can be appointed by a quorum of the Trustees in order to reflect that person's outstanding service to the Trust. Co-option is also entitled.

In selecting Trustees of the Trust, consideration should be given to the fact that a Trustee shall require to have expertise in bonsai culture, administration or other relevant skill.

A Trustee may be appointed at the annual general meeting of the Trust or at any extraordinary general meeting and any appointment will be sufficiently evidenced by a minute by the secretary. A Trustee may also be appointed on a temporary basis until the next AGM or EGM to cover for the death or resignation of an existing Trustee. The temporary Trustee shall have full voting rights.

On the death, resignation, or expiry of term of office of any Trustee, he/she and their executors and representatives shall ipso facto be relieved of all claims arising from the administration of the Trust, during his or her term of office, except in instances where any claim arises from the fraud/criminal mismanagement of such a Trustee.

The AGM will be held in the month of October each year. At said meeting, or at any extraordinary general meeting, the Trustees shall have the power to appoint office bearers as and when an election is required. Any Trustee making a nomination shall be required to give  more than twenty one days prior written notice to the secretary of the Trust, with the name and address of the proposed appointee.  

The Trustees shall be required to meet at least twice in each calendar year and 21 days minimum written notice shall be given to each Trustee of the time, place and business and the agenda to be transacted at such meetings.


4. The Trustees shall be responsible for managing, investing, holding, realising, administering and applying the funds, investments, income and profits of the Trust, for carrying out or furthering the objects of the Trust.

The Trustees shall not be liable for loss or depreciation in the value of the funds, investments, income and profits, nor for any neglect in management, nor for insolvency of debtors.

The Trustees shall have all powers, priviliges and immunities normally conferred upon gratuitous Trustees in Scotland by Statute or Common Law. They shall be entitled to pay the usual professional remuneration to their Law Agents and Accountants. The Trustees shall not be liable for any loss or depreciation in the value of assets as a result of defraud, default or error of such Accountants or Law Agents. 

The Trustees shall have the power to receive, purchase or lease any heritable property for the benefit of the Trust, the title thereto being taken in the names of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer as trustees ex officio.

The Trustees shall maintain close links with the Scottish Bonsai Association.


5. The Trustees shall cause proper accounts of the Trust to be kept and presented each year at the AGM.

The Trustees shall have the power to appoint a qualified Accountant to prepare and audit the aforesaid yearly accounts and to pay the reasonable fees of said Accountant.

The Trustees shall be entitled to open a bank account in the name of the Trust, subject to a majority agreeing to the same. The Trustees shall require to observe any financial  regulations made by OSCR and to submit annual accounts to OSCR as required.


6. The objects and constitution of the Trust can only be altered by resolution of the Trustees, passed by a majority of the Trustees being not less than two thirds of the Trustees. Twenty one days notice will require to be given by any Trustee of the intention to alter the objects and constitution, which decision can only be made at the annual general meeting or at any extraordinary general meeting. 


7. The Trustees shall have the power to wind up the Trust at the annual general meeting or at any extraordinary general meeting, which extra ordinary meeting will require to be proposed by at least two Trustees with such motion being made in writing and intimated twenty one days prior to the date of the extraordinary general meeting.

In the event of the winding up of the Trust, the assets of the Trust after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities will be transferred to another charitable organisation or organisations whose aims are similar, and/or to a non-charitable organisation or organisations such as the Scottish Bonsai Association which have the expertise and the specialist knowlege required to maintain the collection as well as being able to continue the educational and charitable aims of the Trust and to use the assets for those purposes. Any decision on such a transfer is to be made by a majority of Trustees at the annual general meeting or an extra ordinary general meeting.



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Ishizuke, Ishitsuki, Ishitzuki
Rock garden style characterised by entire tree planted on a rock but with no soil in the pot. Water or sand ofetn in the base of the pot.

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