If you have just acquired a bonsai tree, you may be worried about how to take care of it: you have come to the right place! You can find some hints and tips in Bonsai FAQs below.
Bonsai is an absorbing art, and a great hobby. It can grow into something resembling an obsession to those around you, but there is quite a lot to learn, about your bonsai trees and about bonsai in general. Joining the SBA can give you access to bonsai workshops and Area Group meetings where you can learn about everything to do with bonsai. Every group has experienced members who can help you with your bonsai trees, whether it is horticultural or artistic advice that you want.
Below is a list of commonly used bonsai procedures extracted from our A to Z of bonsai terms
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Air LAYERING - The process by which ROOTS are developed on a stem or branch which is above the ground.
ANNEALING - The process of softening aluminium/COPPER WIRE by heating and then allowing to cool before applying to BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.
As copper is worked it becoMEs progressively stiffer. Most copper wire used as a conductor in electrical cables has not been annealed and is relatively stiff. To allow the wire to be used as bonsai wire simply heat with a blowlamp until it is red hot (which happens quite quickly) and allow to cool. The wire will now be much more supple. If you take a piece of the wire and bend it a few times it will become progressively stiffer again.
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Approach GRAFT>GRAFTing - Also terMEd "inarching", this is the grafting process where the exposed CAMBIUM of the SCION (branch of the same tree) is fixed to the exposed cambium of the trunk at the location where a new branch is required. In time the scion grafts (or merges) to the wood of the tree.
NOTCHING TO BEND THICK BRANCHES - The branch is weakened by CUTTING>CUTTING a V-SHAPEd wedge aCROSS it though not all of the way through the branch. Then using coiled wire, or a guy wire, the gap is pulled shut. Protect by sealing with waterproofed tape. The procedure is best perforMEd in early spring, or in late summer during the quiescent period when there is less BLEEDING and less heavy CALLOUS>CALLOUSing.
Thanks to - Kenny Middleton for use of the image |
BLEACHING DEADWOOD - Deadwood is bleached to a silver-white patina, naturally in nature by the effects of sun and rain.
In BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI liME sulphur is applied to deadwood to mimic the effect and also act as a preservative to the deadwood. When applied the LIME SULPHUR is yellow and smelly but it dries white and the smell disappears. The white then weathers to a more natural shade. (See also Lime Sulphur).
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BRANCH EXTENSION - Describes the process by which branches grow (or extend) if left unpruned. Branch extension may be desirable where a new branch is being grown or an existing branch needs to be fattened.
Branch PRUNING - Selective removal of branches to improve the overall image of the tree.
The guidelines attached under the More button are taken from BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.COM>CUTEBONSAI.COM (see link).
Thanks to - cutebonsai.com for use of the image |
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In this process the BARK of the tree where the graft is to be applied should be first well-soaked with water and a "T" cut should be made through to the CAMBIUM in the location where the new branch is required.
With shield/BUD GRAFTING, instead of a SCION, just a small piece of bark with a well-forMEd heel is cut from the scion and inserted inside the "T" of the stock. This heel is the DORMANTBUD>DORMANT BUD lying at the join between the trunk and the leaf AXIL. The wound is bound with RAFFIA and coated with wax.
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BUD>BUDNOTCHING>BUD NOTCHING - CUTTING>CUTTING a small crescent of BARK from above a bud to stimulate growth from that bud and to encourage a wide angle between the resulting shoot and the main branch.
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Cleft GRAFT>GRAFTing - This involves inserting a small (3-5 cms) split in the end of a branch and the insertion of a SCION from elsewhere on the saME plant (or from another tree of the same SPECIES). The base of the scion should be "double chamfered" before insertion and then the join should be bound with RAFFIA and smeared with grafting wax.
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CLIP AND GROW - Also terMEd the LING NAM method "clip and grow" is the term used to describe the BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI styling proces where the approach is to allow growth to occur before PRUNING back to a BUD>BUD facing the direction in which you wish it to grow.
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COPPICING - The practice of CUTTING>CUTTING trees back to their base in order to encourage the growth of several new stems , almost invariably carried out on DECIDUOUS SPECIES.
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