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A to Z of Bonsai Terms

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We are compiling a worldwide A to Z of Bonsai database. The A to Z is written collaboratively by the people who use it and we would like to encourage anyone reading this page to contribute to what has become the worlds greatest encyclopedia of bonsai terms. Entries when they are made will be added to an editable list which will be checked prior to publication. Photos and images of the bonsai term can be added and links made to relevant web pages.

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 - (Other)  
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ATAMARU>KATAMARU>KATAMARU - Japanese term for the process of lignification i,e, where a shoot hardens and becoMEs woody.

Lanarkshire Bonsai Group

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Bonsai_Lanarkshire.gif image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAIGROUP>LANARKSHIRE BONSAI GROUP - Club: Lanarkshire.

North Lanarkshire.

Convenor - Gordon Tel No - 01236 769910. Email - lochbuie@blueyonder.

MEetings - First Sunday of every month from midday . Wattston Open day Saturday prior to club day.

Lanceolate (leaf)

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image LANCEOLATE (LEAF) - Slim SHAPEd and pointed at both ends.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Landscape - Miniature

 - (Tree Style)  
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bonsai_landscape_01.jpg image LANDSCAPE - MINIATURE - Japanese term : SAIKEI . AS its naME suggests this is a grouping of plants and rocks to form a landscaped scene.

Larch (Larix)

 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
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bonsai_larch_group_02.jpg image LARCH (LARIX) - There are two main varieties : EUROPEAN LARCH (LARIX DECIDUA) and JAPANESE LARCH (LARIX KAEMPFERI). Slender, upright trees with bright green, NEEDLE-like LEAVES, which turn golden in autumn before shedding in winter.

The European larch is distinguishable by its pale, straw-like coloured twigs from the Japanese larch's red/orange new twigs which darken to almost purple in winter.

A CROSS between the Japanese Larch and European Larch was found growing naturally in Dunkeld Scotland at the turn of the 20th century. Known as LARIX EUROLEPIS the HYBRID grows faster than either parent and can be found at higher elevations on poorer soil.

STYLE : All styles except broom

WARNING : Needs cool, dry air for compact needles.

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Thanks to - Green Dragon Bonsai for use of the image

Larix Decidua

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LARIX DECIDUA - There are two main varieties : EUROPEAN LARCH (Larix decidua) and JAPANESE LARCH (LARIX KAEMPFERI). Slender, upright trees with bright green, NEEDLE-like LEAVES, which turn golden in autumn before shedding in winter.

The European larch is distinguishable by its pale, straw-like coloured twigs from the Japanese larch's red/orange new twigs which darken to almost purple in winter.

See LARCH (LARIX) for more  details.

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Larix Eurolepis

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LARIX EUROLEPIS - There are two main varieties : EUROPEAN LARCH (LARIX DECIDUA) and JAPANESE LARCH (LARIX KAEMPFERI). Slender, upright trees with bright green, NEEDLE-like LEAVES, which turn golden in autumn before shedding in winter.

CROSS between the Japanese Larch and European Larch was found growing naturally in Dunkeld Scotland at the turn of the 20th century. Known as Larix Eurolepis the HYBRID grows faster than either parent and can be found at higher elevations on poorer soil.

See LARCH (LARIX) for more details.

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Larix kaempferi

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LARIX KAEMPFERI - There are two main varieties of Larch  : EUROPEAN LARCH (LARIX DECIDUA) and JAPANESE LARCH (Larix kaempferi). Slender, upright trees with bright green, NEEDLE-like LEAVES, which turn golden in autumn before shedding in winter.

The European larch is distinguishable by its pale, straw-like coloured twigs from the Japanese larch's red/orange new twigs which darken to almost purple in winter.

See LARCH (LARIX) for more details

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Lateral branch

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LATERAL BRANCH - A side branch which arises from the main trunk.

Lateral Dominance

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Bonsai_lateral_dominance_2.jpg image LATERAL DOMINANCE - Most trees generally  have a natural tendency to direct growth to the top branches (the APEX) which is called 'APICAL DOMINANCE'.  However the tendency in soME trees is for growth to be directed laterally i.e. the growth tendency is outwards rather than upwards.  This is termed lateral dominance and tends to be exhibited by the "shrubbier" varieties , such as rhododenron (see AZAlea (Rhododendron)).

The aim in BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI  is to decrease either of these dominant tendencies so that the subject looks more like a mature tree rather than a bush or a sapling.

Lateral graft

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GRAFT>GRAFT>LATERAL GRAFT - This grafting technique is most commonly applied to EVERGREEN trees in the sumMEr period.

A notch about 5 cms in length is made in the lower part of the trunk. The chamfered edge of a SCION from the donor plant is then inserted. The graft is then bound with RAFFIA and covered with grafting compound.

Where the technique is used to capitalise on a strong ROOTStock the original trunk may be severed just above the graft when it has taken the following spring.


 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai Laurifolius Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term Laurifolius Tree Parts

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 - (Growing Medium)  
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lapillo-volcanic-bonsai-soil.jpg image LAVA - Lava is solidified molten igneous rock from volcanic eruptions. It is granular in form - either red or black -  with high water absorbency characteristics.  It lasts indefinitely and can be reused.

Also called Lapillo in its natural form.

Manufactured industrially and referred to as "leca" or "leca pearls" and in Holland as "agrex".

Thanks to - Kaizen Bonsai for use of the image


 - (Procedure)  
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LAYERING - Technique for gaining a new BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI from a larger, more mature speciMEn.

Techniques include GROUND LAYERING and AIR LAYERING , both described seperately in this A to Z.


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LEACHING - The process by which nutrients and other soluble minerals are removed from the soil by water draining through. To counteract this phenoMEnon BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI growers recommend applying more regular but weaker feeds.


 - (Tree Parts)  
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LEADER - The main vertical stem or shoot of a young plant.

Leaf beetle

 - (Pests and Diseases)  
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LEAF BEETLE - Various SPECIES of leaf beetle can attack trees between end May and August. They are about 5mm long: green, blue or brown in colour with the peculiar HABIT of "skeletonising" LEAVES rather than eating holes out of them. Willow, poplar and elm are usual hosts.

Impact is rarely severe.

Leaf cutter bee

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bonsai_leaf_cutter_bee_01.jpg image LEAF CUTTER BEE - The signs of leaf cutter bee infestation are large circular notches cut into the LEAVES of the tree.

There is no effective treatMEnt for this pest but fortunately it will not cause serious damage. However, it can be usnightly and so removal of affected leaves is required, which has the added bonus of encouraging additional leaf growth.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Leaf Miner

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bonsai_leaf_miner_02_RHS.JPG image LEAF MINER - These pests, which have a blister-like appearance, are the larvae which hatch from the eggs of moths and flies laid on the underside of LEAVES. They leave brown or white "trail" markings on the leaves which are particularly unsightly on DECIDUOUSTREE>DECIDUOUS TREEs.

TreatMEnt involves the removal of affected leaves and regular spraying with INSECTICIDE>SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE .

Image by kind permission of RHS.

Thanks to - RHS for use of the image

Leaf Mould

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LEAF MOULD - Autumn LEAVES rotted down to make a dark brown soil improver, lawn conditioner and mulch.

It can be used in seed and potting mixes too.  

Leaf Roller

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LEAF ROLLER - Leaf rollers eat away at foliage and wrap silken threads around the LEAVES, rolling them into a cigar SHAPE.

TreatMEnt is to spray with PARATHION based INSECTICIDE.

Leaf shapes

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image Leaf SHAPEs - There are approximatly 40 different LEAF SHAPES which, along with leaf edging pattern,  is the priME visual indicator of the tree type.  The attached table exhibits the overall shape and also some of the other distinguishing leaf features such as pattern of edging and veining.

Leaf Trimmer

 - (Tool)  
Entry for Bonsai Leaf Trimmer Tool  Update this bonsai term Leaf Trimmer Tool
bonsai_leaf_trimmers_01.jpg image Leaf TrimMEr - Small spring-action tool (think sugar tongs with sharp CUTTING>CUTTING blades) for cutting LEAVES and leaf stems.
Thanks to - Kaizen Bonsai for use of the image

Leaf trimming

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LEAF TRIMMING - LEAVES can be trimMEd partially or completely (see DEFOLIATION) and this should be done by CUTTING>CUTTING the PETIOLE>PETIOLE (the leaf stem). The leaf stem will then naturally fall away within a short period. Leaves should not be pulled off.

Leaf weevil

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LEAF WEEVIL - MEtallic green or brown insects which cause irregular holes on (mainly birch) trees in June/July.

They move on after a few days but serious infestations can be treated with a general pesticide.


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bonsai_leaves_01.jpg image LEAVES - Leaves comprise the foliage of the tree providing a PHOTOSYNTHESIS function to provide energy to the tree.

The form and SHAPE of leaves are adapted to their environMEntsome e.g. broadleaves, narrow leaves, spiky leaves, succulent leaves, NEEDLEs etc.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Lee Verhorevoort Bonsai

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BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>LEE VERHOREVOORT BONSAI - Lee Verhorevoort Bonsai is the biggest Bonsai tree nursery in Kent, catering for everything that the Bonsai tree enthusiast would want, including workshops.

Contact - Lee Verhorevoort Bonsai
2 Taunton Close,

Tel: 01322 528458
Mobile: 07976 709613


 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai Lenticel Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term Lenticel Tree Parts

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LENTICEL - A pore on a shoot , usually raised and corky in texture and either pale buff or white. In soME trees these can persist (as in Silver Birch) until they eventually expand to form an integral feature of the BARK characteristics.

Leopard moth

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 - (Other)  
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LIGNIFIED - A shoot or root that becoMEs woody.

Lime Sulphur

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bonsai_lime_sulphur_01.jpg image LiME Sulphur - LIME SULPHUR (JIN whitener) is used to create a natural oxidized white colour on BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI DEADWOOD. It also prevents decay.

Dampen the deadwood with water prior to application with a small brush and allow to dry thorougly. The initial colouring will be yellow but this will fade to white as the liquid dries.

Some enthusiast mix a colouring agent with the Lime Sulphur before application to give a darker effect. In some cases the tree deadwood itself is painted with the colouring agent before application of the lime sulphur.

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Linear (leaf)

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image LINEAR (LEAF) - Slim SHAPEd and pointed at both ends but with pararllel sides (as opposed to rounded sides - per the lanceolate shape).

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Ling Nam

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LING NAM - More commonly terMEd the "CLIP AND GROW method", Ling Nam is the term used to describe the BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI styling proces where the approach is to allow growth to occur before PRUNING back to a BUD>BUD facing the direction in which you wish it to grow.


Little Oak Bonsai

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Entry for Bonsai Little Oak Bonsai Dealer   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Little Oak Bonsai Dealer
bonsai_little_oak_bonsai_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>LITTLE OAK BONSAI - No dedicated site for Little Oak Bonsai Nursery

Contact Address:
Street End Lane,
West Sussex
PO20 7RG 

Tel: 01243 641302

Little Woods Bonsai

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bonsai_little-woods-bonsai-01.png image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>LITTLE WOODS BONSAI - Founded in November 2003 by its owner Mario Naziris to provide quality advice, teaching and products.

No indication that products are sold. Focuses mainly on advice and courses.

Contact - Little Woods Bonsai Nursery
Sacred Wood Garden Centre
Theobalds Road
Crews Hill

Tel: 0044208 367 0489
Mobile: 07825621612

Living Mulch

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Sphagnum_moss.jpg image LIVING MULCH - Living mulches have been tested around the globe as an understory to many crops including trees.

Living mulches work in three ways: Fixing the atmospheric Nitrogen (N2) that is important for the main crop, recycling soil nutrients, and enhancing soil nutrient availability for the BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI tree.

In bonsai mosses are used as a living mulch to enhance growth (although soME people think they are only there to enhance the look of the tree). Sphagnum moss in particular is used around the ROOTS of sick or ailing trees. Normal forest moss is used as a covering for the potting medium.

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 - (Growing Medium)  
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LOAM - A soil composed of sand, silt and clay roughly in proportions that can vary producing a VARIETY of mixes including sandy loam, silty loam, clay loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay loam, and loam.

Generally used as a componenet of BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI soil mix along with PEAT, crushed BARK, perlite, GRIT etc. depending on the requireMEnts of the individual tree type.

Lobed (leaf)

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image LOBED (LEAF) - Deeply indented margins seperating elliptic SHAPEd lobes.

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Longitudinal (leaf veins)

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image LONGITUDINAL (LEAF VEINS) - Leaf veins emanating from stem and then aligning themselves broadly in parallel to the central stem.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Lutterworth Plant & Bonsai Nursery

 - (Blogs and Advice)  
Entry for Bonsai Lutterworth Plant & Bonsai Nursery Blogs and Advice   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Lutterworth Plant & Bonsai Nursery Blogs and Advice
bonsai_lutterworth_Nursery_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAINURSERY>LUTTERWORTH PLANT & BONSAI NURSERY - Lutterworth Plant and Bonsai Nursery, Leicestershire. Provides a wide range of bonsai trees, tools and accessories at competitive prices to suit all needs.

Open 7 days a week. Tel : 01455 552211

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Ishizuke, Ishitsuki, Ishitzuki
Rock garden style characterised by entire tree planted on a rock but with no soil in the pot. Water or sand ofetn in the base of the pot.

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Gardening Scotland

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