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A to Z of Bonsai Terms

Welcome to the A to Z of Bonsai.

We are compiling a worldwide A to Z of Bonsai database. The A to Z is written collaboratively by the people who use it and we would like to encourage anyone reading this page to contribute to what has become the worlds greatest encyclopedia of bonsai terms. Entries when they are made will be added to an editable list which will be checked prior to publication. Photos and images of the bonsai term can be added and links made to relevant web pages.

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Letter - 31 entries

Earth Layering

 - (Procedure)  
Entry for Bonsai Earth Layering Procedure   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Earth Layering Procedure
bonsai_ground_layering_01.png image Earth LAYERING - This PROPOGATION technique involves removing a small section of BARK from a low growing branch and anchoring it to the ground so that ROOTS will sprout from the exposed area.

When this happens the branch can be cut away from the main tree and allowed to grow as an independent plant.

This is the propogation "MEthod of choice" for sprawling plants like low rhododendron and creeping juniper.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Ectoparasitic Eelworm

 - (Pests and Diseases)  
Entry for Bonsai Ectoparasitic Eelworm Pests and Diseases  Update this bonsai term Ectoparasitic Eelworm Pests and Diseases

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 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai Eda Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term Eda Tree Parts

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EDA>EDA - Japanese term for branches

Eda bone

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Bonsai_san_no_eda1.jpg image EDA>EDABONE>EDA BONE - The overal BRANCH STRUCTURE or skeleton of a tree.  See related terms describing the position of individual branches : MAE EDA, USHIRO EDA, UKE EDA, KUITSUKI EDA and sashi eda .

Eda nuki

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EDA>EDANUKI>EDA NUKI - Japanese term for the process of removing unwanted branches.

Eda tanya

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EDA>EDATANYA>EDA TANYA - Japanese term describing a ramified branch forming a FOLIAGE PAD.

Eda uchi

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Eda wari

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EDA>EDAWARI>EDA WARI - Japanese term for a tree exhibiting several branches/FOLIAGE PADs (see "EDA TANYA")

Eda zashi

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EDA>EDA ZAshi - Japanese term for the the process of removing unwanted branches.

Edinburgh Bonsai Group

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Entry for Bonsai Edinburgh Bonsai Group Club or Group  Update this bonsai term Edinburgh Bonsai Group Club or Group
Currie Scout Hall,
Lanark Road,
Currie, EH14 5JX

Convenor - Janice Tel No - 01620 825187.

MEetings - First Wednesday of the month 8pm . Member of SCOTTISH BONSAI ASSOCIATION (SBA).


 - (Pests and Diseases)  
Entry for Bonsai Eelworms Pests and Diseases  Update this bonsai term Eelworms Pests and Diseases

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EELWORMS - These are worms which inhibit growth by attacking plant ROOTS

There are several types :  CYST EELWORMs : which pierce the roots creating GALLS which protect them.  ECTOPARASITIC EELWORMs : these may carry viral deseases resulting in yellowing of foliage from the base up.  Root-lesion eeelworms : these build nests which cause CANKER in the roots causing yellowing of foliage and possible fungal developMEnt.

Treatment requires removal of yellowing LEAVES and spraying of remaining foliage with a PARATHION based wash, plus mixing NEMATICIDES with the soil which should be prevented from excess wetness. 


Elliptic (leaf)

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Entry for Bonsai Elliptic (leaf) Tree Parts   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Elliptic (leaf) Tree Parts
Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image ELLIPTIC (LEAF) - Oval (almond) SHAPEd

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Elm - Chinese (Ulmus parviflora)

 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Elm - Chinese (Ulmus parviflora) Tree Type (Outdoors)  Update this bonsai term Elm - Chinese (Ulmus parviflora) Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_chinese_elm_01.jpg image ELM - CHINESE (ULMUS PARVIFLORA) - Small, round tree with a VARIETY of BARK types ranging from smooth, grey to cork bark, both bearing small, dark green, glossy LEAVES with serrated edges.

ClaiMEd to be the most popular /best for BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI. May be grown indoors, when they will not drop leaves in winter, or outdoors, when they will drop leaves.

STYLE : Suitable for all styles but delicate twigs and stout, long, flexible ROOTS make it especially suited to broom and root-over-rock styles.

WARNING : INSECTICIDE>SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE s and FUNGICIDEs cause DEFOLIATION in Chinese elms. Fleshy roots need some protection from frost.

Bonsai Videos  Bonsai_Elm - Chinese (Ulmus parviflora) Tree Type (Outdoors) Bonsai More
Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image

Elm - Chinese (Ulmus parviflora)

 - (Tree Type (Indoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Elm - Chinese (Ulmus parviflora) Tree Type (Indoors)  Update this bonsai term Elm - Chinese (Ulmus parviflora) Tree Type (Indoors)
ACFA119.jpg image ELM - CHINESE (ULMUS PARVIFLORA) - Small, round tree with a VARIETY of BARK types ranging from smooth, grey to cork bark, both bearing small, dark green, glossy LEAVES with serrated edges.

ClaiMEd to be the most popular /best for BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI. May be grown indoors, when they will not drop leaves in winter, or outdoors, when they will drop leaves.

STYLE : Suitable for all styles but delicate twigs and stout, long, flexible ROOTS make it especially suited to broom and root-over-rock styles.

WARNING : INSECTICIDE>SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE s and FUNGICIDEs cause DEFOLIATION in Chinese elms. Fleshy roots need some protection from frost.

 Bonsai_Elm - Chinese (Ulmus parviflora) Tree Type (Indoors) Bonsai More
Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image

Elm - English (Ulmus procera)

 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Elm - English (Ulmus procera) Tree Type (Outdoors)  Update this bonsai term Elm - English (Ulmus procera) Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_english_elm_01.JPG image ELM - ENGLISH (ULMUS PROCERA) - Small, round tree with fissured, grey-brown BARK bearing dark green, glossy LEAVES with serrated edges which are soMEhwhat larger than the Chinese elm. Foliage turns bright yellow in autumn.

STYLE : Suitable for all styles but delicate twigs and stout, long, flexible ROOTS make it especially suited to broom and root-over-rock styles.

WARNING : INSECTICIDE>SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE s and FUNGICIDEs cause DEFOLIATION in Elms. Fleshy roots need some protection from frost

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Thanks to - Joe Bailey, Ayr for use of the image

Elm - Japanese (Zelkova Serrata)

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Entry for Bonsai Elm - Japanese (Zelkova Serrata) Tree Type (Outdoors)  Update this bonsai term Elm - Japanese (Zelkova Serrata) Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_zelkova_01.jpg image ELM - JAPANESE (ZELKOVA SERRATA) - Strong growing DECIDUOUSTREE>DECIDUOUS TREE with long erect branches growing from a short straight trunk. In winter the ELONGATED, serrated edged, LEAVES turn from deep green to crimson/bronze, orange/yellow.

STYLE : Suitable for all styles but especially suited to broom and group styles (especially if trunks are not straight enough for broom).

WARNING : Keep the structure light and airy as congestion of fine twigs can cause dieback - soMEtimes of whole branch.

Bonsai Videos  Bonsai_Elm - Japanese (Zelkova Serrata) Tree Type (Outdoors) Bonsai More
Thanks to - Wattston Bonsai for use of the image


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Elongated Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Elongated Tree Style
bonsai_elongated_style_01.jpg image ELONGATED - Japanese term : GoZA Kake.

Distinguishing feature of this style is an exaggeratedly long number one branch.

This style is often placed over water in Japanese gardens

Thanks to - SBA Gallery for use of the image

Enkianthus (Enkianthus)

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Entry for Bonsai Enkianthus (Enkianthus) Tree Type (Outdoors)   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Enkianthus (Enkianthus) Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_enkianthus_01.jpg image ENKIANTHUS (ENKIANTHUS) - Native to East Asia and Himalayas.

There are 2 main varieties :
Campanulatus : Upright form with red branches and eliptical, ACUTE, dentate LEAVES which are green on top and red underneath.
Perrulatus : Eliptical, acute, oval leaves which are bright green on top and with long veins underneath. They bear hanging, white, FLOWERS>UMBELLATE FLOWERS in April/May before leaves form.

STYLE : Suitable for most styles with exception of formal upright, cascade, broom.

WARNING : Do not spray the tree when in flower.

Bonsai Videos  Bonsai_Enkianthus (Enkianthus) Tree Type (Outdoors) Bonsai More
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image


 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Enoki Tree Type (Outdoors)   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Enoki Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_chinese_hackberry_01 - Copy.jpg image ENOKI - Western naME HackBERRY (Celtis) or CHINESE HACKBERRY (CELTIS SINENSIS). This is a small DECIDUOUSTREE>DECIDUOUS TREE bearing shiny oval LEAVES and small bright orange FRUITs, which can be grown as indoor or outdoor tree.

STYLE : Well structured branches and a fine tracey of twigs make this ideal for broom style.

WARNING : Must have a DORMANTPERIOD>DORMANT PERIOD during winter or will die before spring. If kept indoors then move to a sheltered outdoor position for winter.

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Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Entire (leaf)

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ENTIRE (LEAF) - Describes the margin of a leaf which is entirely smooth.

Ericaceous compost

 - (Growing Medium)  
Entry for Bonsai Ericaceous compost Growing Medium  Update this bonsai term Ericaceous compost Growing Medium
bonsai_ericaceous_compost_01.jpg image COMPOST>ERICACEOUS COMPOST - Growing MEdium for lime hating plants such as AZAlea, Rhododendron and Camelia
Thanks to - Westland for use of the image

Ericaceous fertilizer

 - (Treatments)  
Entry for Bonsai Ericaceous fertilizer Treatments  Update this bonsai term Ericaceous fertilizer Treatments
bonsai_ericaceous _fertilizer_01.jpg image ERICACEOUS FERTILIZER - Fertilizer suitable for liME hating plants.
Thanks to - Westland for use of the image

Erin Bonsai

 - (Pot)  
Entry for Bonsai Erin Bonsai Pot   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Erin Bonsai Pot
bonsai_erin_bonsai_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>ERIN BONSAI - Erin Bonsai specialises in high quality hand-made Bonsai and ACCENT POTs made for bonsai enthusiasts by Vic & Glyn Harris, a father & son team who have been selling BONSAI POTs professionally for over 12 years.

All pots are hand-made by us and are individually glazed, so that every pot is unique.

Mr Victor Harris,
41 Savoy Road Bristol,
BS4 3SZ,

E-mail :

Thanks to - Erin Bonsai web site for use of the image

Escallonia (Escalonia)

 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Escallonia (Escalonia) Tree Type (Outdoors)   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Escallonia (Escalonia) Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_escalonia_01.jpg image ESCALLONIA (ESCALONIA) - A shrub with small, glossy, green LEAVES and small pink and white FLOWERS.

STYLE : best suited to informal upright, slanting, cascade, semi-cascade, twin trunk, CLUMP and group styles.

WARNING : DEADWOOD prone to rotting.  Treat with wood hardener..

Picture courtesy of Peter Thorne, Ayr BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI Group.

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Thanks to - Peter Thorne, Ayr for use of the image

Esprit Bonsai

 - (Bonsai Magazines)  
Entry for Bonsai Esprit Bonsai Bonsai Magazines   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Esprit Bonsai Bonsai Magazines
esprit_bonsai.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>ESPRIT BONSAI - Esprit Bonsaï is a bonsai magazine which was founded: to speak of bonsai, but also to look at other related arts such as pots, companion plants, ikebana … and all in relation to the people, the artists who SHAPE them and who, through their work, express their own sensibilities and their respect of and love for nature and the world around them. A philosophy and a vision of the ART OF BONSAI that it wishes to share with the bonsai fraternity..

Thanks to - Esprit Bonsai Magazine for use of the image


 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai Etiolate Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term Etiolate Tree Parts

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ETIOLATE - Describes long, thin, pallid growths which result from a lack of light. SHOOTS arising from the centres of dense trees or below soil level frequently becoME etiolate. They usually contain a large amount of water and are brittle and difficult to SHAPE by WIRING.

European larch

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EUROPEAN LARCH - LARIX DECIDUAor the European larch,  is distinguishable by its pale, straw-like coloured twigs from the JAPANESE LARCH's red/orange new twigs which darken to almost purple in winter.

See LARCH (LARIX) for details


 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Evergreen Tree Type (Outdoors)  Update this bonsai term Evergreen Tree Type (Outdoors)
Bonsai_White_Pine_2015.jpg image EVERGREEN - A tree that retains its LEAVES throughout the year.

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EXFOLIATE - To peel away in strips as in the BARK of trees such as eucalyptus or paper bark maples.

Exposed root style

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Entry for Bonsai Exposed root style Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Exposed root style Tree Style
BP22Aug21.jpg image EXPOSED ROOT STYLE - With exposed ROOTS and air space under roots suggesting erosion. In Japanese : NEAGARI.

Ezo Grit

 - (Growing Medium)  
Entry for Bonsai Ezo Grit Growing Medium   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Ezo Grit Growing Medium
bonsai_ezo_grit_01.jpg image Ezo GRIT - A Japanese volcanic PUMICE with a very attractive buff colour.

Good moisture-holding capacity and frost proof so, long lived. Low C.E.C. Moderately heavy and very expensive due to transport and import costs. European produced pumice is every bit as good and much cheaper.

Taken from Kaizen BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI - see weblink for full advice on growing MEdiums.

Thanks to - Kaizen Bonsai for use of the image

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Ishizuke, Ishitsuki, Ishitzuki
Rock garden style characterised by entire tree planted on a rock but with no soil in the pot. Water or sand ofetn in the base of the pot.

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Gardening Scotland

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