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A to Z of Bonsai Terms

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Ha gari

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HA GARI - Japanese term for leaf pinching.

Ha mizu

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bonsai_sprayer_01.jpg image HA MIZU - Japanese term for moistening LEAVES with water - or MISTING.

Ha zashi

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Ha ZAshi - Japanese term for leaf PRUNING.


 - (Other)  
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HABIT - The natural SHAPE or growth pattern of a plant often referred to in its botanical naME e.g. procumbens – flat or  procera – tall.


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Hachi-uye Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Hachi-uye Tree Style
Hachi-uye_Bonsai.jpg image HACHI-UYE - Tree size CLASSIFICATION within the "Large BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI" category, MEasuring between 102 and 152 cms.  

Also referred in Japan as "6 Handed" indicating how many men it would take to carry it.


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Bonsai_Hachiutsuri.jpg image CHIUTSURI>HACHIUTSURI - Term used to describe the situation where the tree and the pot are in perfect harmony, each compleMEnting the beauty and charm of the other.

Thanks to - Dan Barton for use of the image


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HAGARI - Japanese for "pinching", the process where growing tips are removed by pinching and seperating from a branch.


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HAMIZU - Japanese for the "MISTING" of BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI trees

Han kengai

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Han KENGAI - BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI style known as semi-cascade. The most commonly accepted definition is a tree whose LEADER or most dominant low branch cascades below the rim of the plot but not lower than the base of the pot.

Handmade Bonsaipots

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Entry for Bonsai Handmade Bonsaipots Pot   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Handmade Bonsaipots Pot
Bonsai_pots_ian_baillie.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAIPOTS>HANDMADE BONSAIPOTS - Aims to provide a one off selection of Quality Hand Made BONSAI POTs. Each one is unique and can not be recreated. You will find Handmade pots created by: Bryan Albright, Derek Aspinall, Ian Baillie, Dan Barton, Gordon Duffett, Erin Pottery, John Pitt, Tongre Ceramics, Wallsall Studio Ceramics amongst others.

Thanks to - Ian Baillie for use of the image


 - (Pot)  
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bonsai_handmade_bonsaipots_01.gif image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAIPOTS>HANDMADE-BONSAIPOTS - This site provides a selection of Quality Hand Made BONSAI POTs, each of which is unique.

Many pieces are Ceramic Art and can be enjoyed either with a tree in or in their own right for decorative purposes.

You will find Handmade pots created by: Bryan Albright, Derek Aspinall, Ian Baillie, Dan Barton, Gordon Duffett, Erin Pottery, John Pitt, Tongre Ceramics, Wallsall Studio Ceramics amongst others.

Harden off

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HARDEN OFF - The progressive adaptation of a tender plant to the full brunt of outside conditions.

Harden off

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HARDEN OFF - The progressive adaptation of a tender plant to the full brunt of harsh outdoor conditions.

Hardening off

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HARDENING OFF - The process of gradually introducing a plant which has been grown in sheltered or protected conditions to the rigours of the outside environMEnt.


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HARDWOOD - The term used for timber from a BROADLEAF>BROADLEAF tree as opposed to that from a CONIFER which is called softwood. Both terms are misnoMErs since many so-called hardwoods are softer (e.g. birch) than many softwoods (e.g. yew),


 - (Other)  
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bonsai_cotoneaster_01.jpg image HARDY>HARDY - A plant which will withstand overwintering without any protection such as the BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI COTONEASTER (COTONEASTER) shown on the left.

Thanks to - Dan Barton for use of the image


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HARDY>HARDY - Describes a plant which is able to survive outside during the winter in the UK.  However, soME protection to BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI may still be applied because they are growing in small containers.

Hari gane kaki

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bonsai_wiring_01.jpg image HARI GANE KAKI - Japanese term for branch WIRING.


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HARIGANE - Japanese term for WIRING of branches to develop position or moveMEnt.

Hasami Zukuri

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Hasami ZUKURI - The process of completing a tree without the use of wire i.e. literally MEans scissor work.

This is done in order to bring about a more natural look to the tree, and tree SHAPE is achieved only by PRUNING with scissors. The scissors work process is said to bring out the quality of the tree branches in accordance with the age of the tree.

Known in the west as PINCH AND GROW.


Hastate (leaf)

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image HASTATE (LEAF) - ELONGATED trianle with basal lobes.  Very like a child-like rocket SHAPE.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Hawthorn (Crataegus)

 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Hawthorn (Crataegus) Tree Type (Outdoors)   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Hawthorn (Crataegus) Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_hawthorn_02.jpg image HAWTHORN (CRATAEGUS) - DECIDUOUSTREE>DECIDUOUS TREE with small green LEAVES, prickly branches and profuse blossom from white (in common hawthorn : crataegus monogyna) through pink to deep red (in the HYBRIDs : cratagaegus lavigata - especially Paul's Scarlet), followed by orange/red berries.

STYLE : Suitable for most styles except formal upright or broom. 

WARNING : Spray to prevent MILDEW. Also spray with FUNGICIDE at BUD>BUD BREAK to prevent PEACH LEAF CURL. Picture courtesy of Green Dragon BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.

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Thanks to - Green Dragon Bonsai for use of the image


 - (Tree Parts)  
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bonsai_tree_trunk_01.jpeg image HEARTWOOD - This is the central core of the trunk. It is dead and has the sole function of providing structural strength to the tree

Hemlock - Western/Eastern (Tsuga heterophylla/canadensi

 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Hemlock - Western/Eastern (Tsuga heterophylla/canadensi Tree Type (Outdoors)   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Hemlock - Western/Eastern (Tsuga heterophylla/canadensi Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_western_hem;ock_02.JPG image HEMLOCK - WESTERN/EASTERN (TSUGA HETEROPHYLLA/CANADENSI - EVERGREEN CONIFER. Western/Eastern varieties distinguished by pyramid versus "bushy" SHAPE with drooping branches being more evident on the Western VARIETY. Both bear soft, short, NEEDLE-like LEAVES which darken with age.

STYLE : Suitable for most styles, except broom, and from small to extra large. 

WARNING : None - unless soMEone knows better!

Bonsai Videos  Bonsai_Hemlock - Western/Eastern (Tsuga heterophylla/canadensi Tree Type (Outdoors) Bonsai More
Thanks to - Joe Bailey, Ayr for use of the image


 - (Other)  
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HETEROPHYLLOUS - Refers to a plant which bears LEAVES of different characteristics such as the juvenile adult leaves of Chinese JUNIPERS.


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HIMIDITY - A MEasure of the amount of water held in the atmosphere


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HOKIDACHI - The BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI style known as broom or besom. (See also Broom)

Hollow trunk style

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HOLLOW TRUNK STYLE - Containing a hollowed out trunk as HEARTWOOD rots away, In Japanese : SABAKAN.

Holly - Japanese Deciduous (Ilex Serrata)

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DECIDUOUS(ILEXSERRATA)>HOLLY - JAPANESE DECIDUOUS (ILEX SERRATA) - DECIDUOUS TREE with thick, grey, fleshy BARK and small LEAVES, similar to apple or cherry leaves in SHAPE, which turn to orange/red in autumn. They may produce red, yellow or white berries if fertilized by a male tree.

STYLE : best suited to all styles, except possibly broom.

WARNING : Berries will only form on a female tree if there is a male tree present to fertilize it.

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Holly - Japanese evergreen (Ilex crenata)

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EVERGREEN(ILEXCRENATA)>HOLLY - JAPANESE EVERGREEN (ILEX CRENATA) - DECIDUOUSTREE>DECIDUOUS TREE, slow growing with box-like LEAVES and small white FLOWERS. They may produce black berries if fertilized by a male tree.

STYLE : best suited to all styles, except possibly broom.

WARNING : Berries will only form on a female tree if there is a male tree present to fertilize it. Brittle stems require careful PRUNING.

Bonsai Videos  Bonsai_Holly - Japanese evergreen (Ilex crenata) Tree Type (Outdoors) Bonsai More

Hon bachi age

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Bonsai_Hon_Bachi_Age.jpg image HON BACHI AGE - A tree displayed in a high class BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI dish for an exhibition

Thanks to - Dan Barton for use of the image

Hon Non Bo

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bonsai_Hon_Non_Bo_01.jpg image HON NON BO - The VietnaMEse equivalent of SAIKEI (landscape). Hon means island, Non means mountain and Bo means a combination of water, mountains and forest. 

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Honey Fungus

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bonsai_honey_fungus_01.jpg image FUNGUS>HONEY FUNGUS - Also terMEd ARMILLARIA or ROOT ROT.  A serious fungal condition that, given the difficulty of eradication,  can result in death of the tree.

Symptons are ROOTS which turn brown and begin to rot, SHOOTS become stunted, LEAVES/NEEDLEs drop and branches die.  In autumn yellow capped fungi with brown scales and white GALLS will appear at the base of the tree. 

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Honey Locust (Gleditsia Triacanthos)

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HONEY LOCUST (GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS) - An elegant, HARDY>HARDY tree with delicate fern-like LEAVES that turn pale yellow in autumn. Branches are covered in distinctive three pointed thorns.

STYLE : Suitable for informal upright, slanting, semi-cascade or twin trunk.

WARNING : None recorded.

Bonsai Videos  Bonsai_Honey Locust (Gleditsia Triacanthos) Tree Type (Outdoors) Bonsai More


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HORA-GAKI - Lightning SHAPEd branch.

Hornbeam (Carpinus)

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bonsai_hornbeam_european_01.jpg image HORNBEAM (CARPINUS) - CoMEs in "Japanese" *(carpinus laxiflora) and Korean (carpinus turcZAninowii) variants, which are distinguishable by their BARK, which is darker grey in the Korean variant. Both have smallish, oval LEAVES.

STYLE : Suitable for most styles, except formal upright.

WARNING : Never let the soil dry out.

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Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image

Horse Chestnut

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bonsai_horse_chestnut_01.jpg image HORSE CHESTNUT - The horse chestnut (AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM) coMEs from Eastern Europe and the Caucuses.

STYLE : suited to every style, except formal upright and broom.

WARNING : One of the few trees best grown from seed as it is fast growing and will help to avoid ugly scars.

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Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image


 - (Other)  
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HUMIDITY - The amount of moisture in the atmosphere.

Hundred tree style

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HUNDRED TREE STYLE - Hundreds of sprouts growing from one position, Also known sas CONESTYLE>FALLEN CONE STYLE. In Japanese : Yama-yori.


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HYBRID - A hybrid is the result of CROSS-pollination of two different varieties of a plant, aiming to harness the best characteristics of each of the parents. Cross-pollination may occur naturally or be artificially induced.

Very common examples of hybrids are found in the ACER PALMATUM and Rhododendron families (e.g. Satsuki AZAlea) and many of these hybrids have been further cross pollinated to produce hundreds of different types.


 - (Growing Medium)  
Entry for Bonsai Hyuga Growing Medium  Update this bonsai term Hyuga Growing Medium

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HYUGA>HYUGA - Japanese for "PUMICE" a volcanic rock used a s a soil component.


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HYUGA>HYUGA - This is the Japanese term for PUMICE which is a volcanic ash which has soME ability to absorb water but retain air space so promoting good root growth.

Kanuma is another type of Japanese pumice.


John Hanby Bonsai School

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BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAISCHOOL>JOHN HANBY BONSAI SCHOOL - Located within NEWSTEAD BONSAI CENTRE. Described as : The UK's number one bonsai school with the biggest list of courses held in one of the best studios in Europe, providing an intimate and relaxed learning experience.

Contact -  John Hanby Bonsai School
Newstead Lane (B6428)
West Yorkshire


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Entry for Bonsai Mamizu Procedure  Update this bonsai term Mamizu Procedure

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MAMIZU - Japanese term for MISTING of foliage in order to increase HUMIDITY in the growing area.

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Ishizuke, Ishitsuki, Ishitzuki
Rock garden style characterised by entire tree planted on a rock but with no soil in the pot. Water or sand ofetn in the base of the pot.

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Gardening Scotland

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