Welcome to the A to Z of Bonsai.
We are compiling a worldwide A to Z of Bonsai database. The A to Z is written collaboratively by the people who use it and we would like to encourage anyone reading this page to contribute to what has become the worlds greatest encyclopedia of bonsai terms. Entries when they are made will be added to an editable list which will be checked prior to publication. Photos and images of the bonsai term can be added and links made to relevant web pages.
- 38 entries |
EDA>EDA>TACHI EDA - Branches (called "tachi eda") growing straight up should be removed from your BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI tree.
See Branch PRUNING.
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BUD>BUDDING)>TAKE (BUDDING) - The successful out coME of budding. GRAFT>GRAFTs "take" whereas CUTTING>CUTTINGs "STRIKE".
Tako ZUKURI - TerMEd the "OCTOPUS Style" in the West because of its exagerated twists and turns in both trunk and branch often accompanied by contorted, well-exposed root. The overall effect of the style should be to make the tree should look like a scary, monster tree from a fairy tale.
The photo on the left is from a naturally contorted beech in the south west of Scotland.
Thanks to - SBA Gallery for use of the image |
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TAN GEI - Generic Japanese term to denote BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI material.
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TAN GEI - Generic Japanese term to denote BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI material.
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TANKAN - Single trunk tree so terMEd in the CLASSIFICATION by number of trunks on a single set of results.
TANUKI - In Japanese folklore, tanuki is a Japanese raccoon dog, noted as a SHAPE-changing trickster.
A tanuki BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI, is where a living tree is joined to a piece of DEADWOOD to create a composite in the DRIFTWOOD style. It is not genuine driftwood-style which are very rare.
The tanuki process enables the creation of a driftwood-style product from more commonly available materials. The technique involves adding living material (often juniper) to a section of deadwood via a groove in the deadwood. It is fixed using screws, wire wrappings, or CLAMPS. Over tiME, the young tree grows into the deadwood channel, fusing with teh deadwood. Once matured the fixings are removed.
The picture shown is a Tanuki Juniper, courtesy of WATTSTON BONSAI.
Thanks to - Wattston Bonsai for use of the image |
TAPE - SELF AMALGAMATING - Used instead of, and soMEtimes together with, rafia when bending branches.
This rubber tape is slightly tacky and sticks to itself when stretched around branches. The tape is really flexible and will stretch to more than five times its original length.
Self amalgamating tape is also useful for joining together a branch which has been broken say during the WIRING process and will hold the parts of the branch exactly in place while the tree heals itself. The tape which can be left on the branch and will deteriorate over a few years by which time the branch is repaired.
Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image |
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TAPER - The gradual lessening of the thickness of the trunk or branches towards their extreMEties.
The general guideline in BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI is that tapering should be relatively uniform and that INVERSE TAPER should be avoided.
MERSETBONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAICLUB>TAUNTON & SOMERSET BONSAI CLUB - Meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.15pm.
Meetings at: United Reformed Church Hall Paul Street TAUNTON, Somerset. TA1 3PF
Tel :01823 619475
TAXUS BACCATA - See : Yew-Common
TAXUS CUSPIDATA - See : Yew-Japanese
Thanks to - Wattston Bonsai for use of the image |